Comment on YouTube diluting my recommended videos feed with AI-generated “music” that pretends to be made by an actual artist ⁨2⁩ ⁨days⁩ ago

YouTube desperately needs to fix the recommendations for music. It’s either recommending me the same music I already listen to and is irrelevant to what I’m currently playing or something irrelevant to my taste and the video being watched. Think watching an Ice Cube video but having recommendations for Megadeth and Alice In Chains and Adele on the side. And if it’s not something I’ve already watched/listened to, it’s still something totally unrelated.

For the longest time, they kept recommending “Beck - Loser” to me on anything I would watch, regardless of genre. I’ve never listened to or searched for any of Beck’s music and I don’t know how that would be recommended to someone currently watching an Ice Cube music video…

And the live performances…I don’t ever watch or listen to live performances. Yet YouTube always recommends it to me. Even having a whole section dedicated to “Live Music”. Never asked for this, never searched for it…I don’t care for Live performances. I want studio only.

And what’s worse is that YouTube has a feature to tell it “Don’t recommend this video - because I watched it or don’t like it” or “don’t recommend this channel” EXCEPT for music! Why???
