You’d still be moving some 30km/s around the sun, and need to decelerate from that speed.
Comment on Launches 5 months ago
If the idea is to be rid of the person completely, we don’t need to fire them into the sun. Or launch them out of the solar system. They don’t even need to reach earth escape velocity.
Just launch them at the sun. Use whatever method you like. Just get them high enough that after gravity starts to overpower acceleration, there is no chance for survival. Boom! No more person. For the most part. 5 months ago 5 months ago
A bit of a woosh. He’s saying you only need to throw someone off a building or out of a plane and they’ll die falling to the ground. No need to leave Earth. 5 months ago
Does the velocity of the earth around the sun enter into it if the projectile doesn’t come anywhere close to leaving earth’s gravitational pull? When I said “at the sun” it was just a direction. A gesture towards the spirit of the original “into the sun.” They won’t reach it. They’ll just be a splat mark [insert parabola math here]-ish meters away. 5 months ago
New slogan: Launch all billionaires straight up into the air using one of those circus cannons 5 months ago 5 months ago
Just launch lots of tiny bits of processed earth at them super fast. More propellant efficient and you don’t have to worry that they might have packed a parachute.