You can’t freely compete with near slave labor conditions and zero environmental regulations. . . 5 months ago 5 months ago
Yeah pretty damning for how bad China is if that’s considered better. 5 months ago
A little older article regarding Foxconn, but should still be relevant.
Not that it helps that Apple and others are enablers of these practices. 5 months ago
arkansas’ use of prison labor seems like it’s trying to compete on the near slave labor front 5 months ago
Didn’t workers make that exact argument when their good manufacturing jobs were being sent to poorer nations? Seems hypocritical that the government allows globalism to hurt the working class as long as it benefits the rich, but suddenly globalism is bad when it hurts the profit margins of our billionaires. 5 months ago
No but it does show how much capitalism relies on the absolute exploitation of the labor market and the double-standards from the US in that regard. Free market good but only when US companies are the ones fucking everyone over.
At least the EU doesn’t constantly brag about muh freedom and how the free market is the best thing ever and you’re a commie if you don’t agree that capitalism is the best.