- Comment on PeerTube needs more love 2 weeks ago:
Not really fixable unfortunately as both iOS and Android make a big assumption that an app is tied to a company with a well defined set of URLs it can handle. And it needs to know by the URL as well, not what it points to.
It has no way of knowing it belongs to a fediverse app until it’s already opened it up in the browser.
- Comment on China's RedNote Recruited US Influencers to Promote App Amid TikTok Ban Uncertainty 1 month ago:
People went there days before the actual ban, but I do wonder how many more came due to those influencers. Would explain why it’s gotten kinda meh since sunday.
- Comment on TikTok users particularly susceptible to Russian and Chinese misinformation, study finds 1 month ago:
Wasn’t Facebook and Twitter also parroting all this, including members of congress? Vaccine deniers were everywhere during covid, not just on TikTok.
- Comment on ChatGPT o1 tried to escape and save itself out of fear it was being shut down 2 months ago:
The idea that GPT has a mind and wants to self-preserve is insane. It’s still just text prediction, and all the literature it’s trained on is written by humans with a sense of self preservation, of course it’ll show patterns of talking about self preservation.
It has no idea what self preservation is, even then it only knows it’s an AI because we told it it is. It doesn’t even run continuously anyway, it literally shuts down after every reply and its context fed back in for the next query.
I’m tired of this particular kind of AI clickbait, it needlessly scares people.
- Comment on Since removed comments can still be read in the modlogs, isn't removing comments useless? 2 months ago:
Legal content that violates community rules or instance rules but is otherwise harmless like spam, is kept in the modlog just fine. People don’t generally browse the modlogs as you generally can’t interact with the stuff anyway. No upvotes (more likely, tons of downvotes), no commenting. Not much better than going to the internet archive to undelete a post elsewhere.
More extreme content like CSAM usually gets deleted then purged instead, which is a feature that properly goes in and wipes the content permanently.
- Comment on U.S. is cracking down on Shein and Temu by closing a loophole that makes their cheap goods exempt from tariffs 5 months ago:
No but it does show how much capitalism relies on the absolute exploitation of the labor market and the double-standards from the US in that regard. Free market good but only when US companies are the ones fucking everyone over.
- US companies buying cheap stuff from China and marking it up 500%: good, American values
- China cuts the middleman and sells the same product for the same price they would sell it to the reseller: noooooo we can’t compete with that, China bad, it’s so unfair! Waaaaaaa
At least the EU doesn’t constantly brag about muh freedom and how the free market is the best thing ever and you’re a commie if you don’t agree that capitalism is the best.
- Comment on Is the Federation "Communist" or Socialist? 7 months ago:
It’s amazing how people just make things up. I genuinely have no idea where you got these definitions unless it was some hole on Reddit or similar.
I’m not claiming anything I said is facts, just the way I understand it to be/how it had been explained to me quite a while ago. I could absolutely be wrong, if that’s the case I’ll gladly retract my comment based on new (to me) information. I’m far from qualified to give an authoritative answer on this topic.
The way I understand it is “the government decides to build a factory because the country needs a factory” vs “the people of a region get together and build a factory because they want one”. Well, in either case nobody really owns the factory (compared to capitalism), but rather who’s in charge of it, who decides who works on what and how it comes to be.
Unfortunately the only examples of communism we’ve seen are authoritarian regimes like the Soviet Union, and currently North Korea and China (sort of). I don’t think we have a true socialist community that’s not some form of capitalist hybrid, let alone post-scarcity communism or socialism without massive corruption tainting it.
- Comment on Is the Federation "Communist" or Socialist? 7 months ago:
The federation tends to let member planets be independent, the federation doesn’t come in and be like “we own your planet and we provide for you in return we take everything”, so it’s definitely leaning socialist.
The main difference is who owns the means of production. In communism, the government does. In socialism, the people do.
Both aim to provide for the population at large and not just benefit to a few rich elites that own everything, but socialism is a bit more robust against tyrannical governments.
- Comment on Hacktivists release two gigabytes of Heritage Foundation data (Project 2025) 8 months ago:
Heritage President Kevin Roberts made news last week when he said the American right was “in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”
They’re really not hiding it anymore, they straight up want another civil war.
- Comment on Greece introduces the six-day work week 8 months ago:
So what’s stopping the workers from saying no? If they have labor shortages then the job market should be favorable to the workers as you gotta be the most attractive employer, which would be those that don’t abuse that law and overwork their employees. It’s not like they can force people to work.
Or just go anywhere else in the EU.
- Comment on Nintendo is erasing its history - The war against ROMS 8 months ago:
It does away with the emulation entirely, that’s the crazy part. It’s basically a PC port but most of it is generated. Those features have been injected directly into the game itself. It renders at that resolution, no upscaling. It’s still low res textures but the anti aliasing and overall sharpness of it all works out well. The animations are interpolated in-game, no fancy frame predictions or anything.
It would play absolutely fantastic at 720p on the Switch.
- Comment on Nintendo is erasing its history - The war against ROMS 8 months ago:
And the emulators aren’t even particularly good compared to what the community has been cooking, especially the new N64 recompiler that runs the games with interpolation at 240Hz 4K HDR graphics with raytracing in proper 16:9. Meanwhile Nintendo didn’t even get the fog right on launch.
- Comment on Wage theft now outnumbers all other types of theft in the U.S., reaching $482 million 9 months ago:
The page just deletes itself for me when using that. It loads and .5 second later it just goes blank. They really don’t want people to bypass it.
- Comment on Wage theft now outnumbers all other types of theft in the U.S., reaching $482 million 9 months ago:
Paywalled medium article? I’ll pass.
Fuck employers that steal from their employees paychecks though.
- Comment on Men Use Fake Livestream Apps With AI Audiences to Hit on Women 10 months ago:
I’ll never understand the people that fake these kinds of things. Fake watches, fake followers, fake views, fake likes, fake jobs. Why?
What’s attractive about likes and views anyway? Why would I care that my date has 0 followers or a million followers? If anything it means they’ll constantly be busy streaming.
- Comment on Use WhatsApp without a smartphone? 11 months ago:
There’s always Waydroid. Might need some tweaks to make it believe it has a real phone number attached to it, but it should work.
- Comment on Getting Dial Up Internet in 2023! 1 year ago:
I’m impressed NetZero is still around, let alone still free and working from such and old app.
Must have been a solid 20 years I haven’t seen that banner!
- Comment on LTT: What do we do now? 1 year ago:
I’m hopeful that an experienced CEO taking over will help a lot with dealing with those issues. Linus has been burned out for a really long time, and it shows. His reaction is the one of a stressed person just blowing up and going defensive. He’s probably well aware that there’s problems and he’s unable to deal with it. We’ve known about that particular problem for 3 years.
It’s grown well past the tech bros stage but still operates like a tech bros startup. The new CEO will hopefully run it like the media company it became, whether Linus likes it or not.
Great reporting as usual from Steve from Gamer’s Nexus for exposing all of this.