This post makes me question my interpretation of events.
I have acquaintances who seem to have a paranoid belief that every other person in the world is a paedophile just waiting for an opportunity to kidnap their child. Growing up in the 90s, I had a great deal of freedom in comparison to this thought process. I played cricket on the streets, I walked around the neighbourhood without concern, I walked my dog in the evenings. My parents didn’t seem to think I would be unsafe without them around to coddle me.
I guess no matter the generation there are parents who go too far in one extreme or another… Though tbh, being concerned about witchcraft seems more medieval than boomer. Sorry for your loss, but I’m glad you feel more free now. I imagine it must be a complex mix of emotions. 5 months ago
90s kid here: Your parents were just insane. 5 months ago
Not from what I saw on the news back then. The 90s (especially the early 90s after Rodney King) was fear-mongering central. Maybe you were just lucky enough to have parents who could see through the bullshit being fed to them on the 5 'o clock news. Back then everybody watched the local news. 5 months ago
Sorry to tell you. Controling parents exist independent of the times. Them calling the police on you is a classic abusive move which is shitty behavior in it self, but the strain on society is fucked up as well. Classic narcist behavior. We love our parents either way deep down, but no need to make excuses for them. Go be happy, enjoy your life, do better with your kids. Help them become independent while being safe. Trust me they will still love you. Stop the cycle. <3