Comment on OK yes I'm dumb so what 5 months ago“This is madness”
Meaning, a unique viewpoint?
Knowing the causes of BSE and Alzheimers, real madness, it loses it’s scare as mere, although a bit weird, sickness.
Comment on OK yes I'm dumb so what 5 months ago“This is madness”
Meaning, a unique viewpoint?
Knowing the causes of BSE and Alzheimers, real madness, it loses it’s scare as mere, although a bit weird, sickness. 5 months ago
I think they’re talking about “justified” madness. Realistic madness is just seeing things that aren’t there, or reacting extremely to mundane stimuli, but if you had somehow been given comprehension of some higher truth about the world that nobody else would ever believe, the actions you take as a result of that knowledge might seem crazy to those around you, even if they’re perfectly logical from your enlightened perspective. 5 months ago
for a sample of such madness please try arguing with someone about a topic you’re very familiar with, and they clearly know fuck all about but refuse to learn or listen to anybody but themselves and their echo chamber!