Racism justifies harassment and home invasion?
You realize internet sealions don’t actually invade homes?
You realise the harassment stops if you don’t respond?
Comment on M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable
ilinamorato@lemmy.world 5 months agoRacism justifies harassment and home invasion? I don’t think I can necessarily agree with that.
The point Malki was making, I think (and the way I take it) is less about the purpose or content of the discourse and more about the harassment veiled in false civility as a means of silencing discussion. Pretend he’s not a sea lion, but a conservative, and you’ll get the intended effect.
Racism justifies harassment and home invasion?
You realize internet sealions don’t actually invade homes?
You realise the harassment stops if you don’t respond?
I realize that. The person above seemed to think that everything in this clearly allegorical comic is somehow intended to be taken literally.
BlackDragon@slrpnk.net 5 months ago
Yeah. Not gonna cry over what the victims of racism do to racists.
How is the sea lion silencing discussion? The racist lady said a racist thing and the sea lion invited discussion by asking, “Why did you say that racist thing?” and then they refused to actually explain why they’re racist against sea lions, treating it as self-evident that being racist against sea lions is correct and thus that it is unreasonable to question it.
He can’t choose not to be a sea lion
michaelmrose@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Again sea lioning is a type of behavior not a type of person or being. As a form of humor they rather than have a person embody the behavior be a literal sea lion because whimsical tension between the metaphorical sea lion also being an actual sea lion is funny.
BlackDragon@slrpnk.net 5 months ago
That just doesn’t work, because the sea lion’s behavior in the comic is entirely reasonable, and it is the other characters who are being unreasonable. If the point of the comic is that the sea lion’s behavior is bad, they should have actually made the sea lion do something bad instead of call out someone being racist against him
ilinamorato@lemmy.world 5 months ago
How would you have written this comic to get the idea across, then?
ilinamorato@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Eh…I dunno. I’m not going to tone police anyone, and consequences for bad actions are definitely good, but do two very-wrongs make a kinda-right? I’m not sold.
Look…if you don’t vibe with the comic, that’s fine. It’s just obviously not about all the stuff that you seem to think it’s about.
BlackDragon@slrpnk.net 5 months ago
But it literally is? You’re the one coming up with weird interpretations about “what if it was actually about xyz”
What is actually happening in the comic is that a character is being racist and the victim of that racism is portrayed as being wrong and annoying for calling out the racism. That’s literally what’s happening in the comic. It doesn’t require any kind of gymnastics or interpretation, that’s the surface level reading of what is occurring in the comic.
ilinamorato@lemmy.world 5 months ago
No. What is actually happening in the comic is that a character is having a discussion with another person (not a racist conversation, because sea lions are not sentient beings despite what is about to happen). Treating it as anything more than that is reading something into the story not intended by the original comic. Not everything is so literal, particularly with Malki comics.