And for the bio/kin/nursing/premed students: how much would need to be amputated?
Hi there! I’m a certified surgeon in my DnD roleplay and I can safely say you’ve just amputated your own arm at that speed at just below the shoulder!
Comment on Slapping Chicken 5 months ago
The real question is if you slapped hard enough to raise the temperature to 74C (undergrad clearly doesn’t cook), what would the temperature of your hand be? And for the engineers: how far up your arm would you have to measure before the temperature returning to normal body temperature? And for the bio/kin/nursing/premed students: how much would need to be amputated?
And for the bio/kin/nursing/premed students: how much would need to be amputated?
Hi there! I’m a certified surgeon in my DnD roleplay and I can safely say you’ve just amputated your own arm at that speed at just below the shoulder!
Lol i dont know the math but the speed required to apply that force means theres a sonic boom as well right? Along with the bubblewrap crack of your arm shattering in the process of somehow applying this force/acceleration. I actually wonder if there would be heat before the slap since the distance traveled is so short. Is there enough air between your windup and the chicken?
That’s like… 4 or 5 times the speed of sound at sea level so… There would be a bit of a boom. 5 months ago
My hand is a lot smaller than a chicken, so I hope everyone is prepared to have roast my hand as well