Yes, they don’t understand, so what?. Maybe they’re young, maybe they just never learned. Do you really think your backhanded comment is going to make things better? If you want to strike people down for asking questions that are too simple from your perspective, you should visit stack overflow more often.
You response mentions the right issues, but tone of voice matters. If you insult, belittle or alienate anyone who tries to understand what they don’t understand, you’re just throwing them to the republicans or the right wing populists.
People these days are often not interested in learning or understanding. If someone does, you should encourage that. 5 months ago
Look at the grammatical errors throughout their post. The cherry on top being the statement at the end being terminated with a question mark.
They also just recently had a question that includes them being on a pip.
I get the feeling that this person should be grateful that this doctor is only making enough more than they are that they would use the word “twice” to describe the salary discrepancy. 5 months ago
Oh wow, just checked out their posts and they’re the same person who asked about a “US vs the country of Europe” comparison recently. 5 months ago
The same person that asked if boiling meat removes the bacteria from it. Not does it kill the bacteria, removes it: 5 months ago
To be fair, “Cooking gets rid off the bacteria problem, right?” is a common misconception. 5 months ago
why are you so easy to trigger? 5 months ago
I can’t remember a time that I’ve heard a more obvious projection, especially when it makes no sense. Who would read my post and get “triggered” from it? Lol