Comment on Anon is a good samaritan 5 months agoAnd we are only bound by a DNR IF we have the actual document in hand. Or as EMS, if CPR has already been started when we arrive, we are automatically obligated to continue. If it ain’t written down, it never happened. Nursing homes are supposed to provide the documents any time we transport such a patient as part of their medical history papers. And yes, we treat and transport a lot of such patients with a DNR that needs to go to a hospital for some reason.
Worst case scenario, entering a home with family gathered and grandma has a heart attack. And half the family wants me to start CPR and the other half tries to tell me grandma to let grandma go. I will ask them if they have the documents and they don’t answer me because they are too busy fighting each other to respond to me. And my poor driver is trying to literally breakup a fight while I’m doing CPR.
Source: A very old and happily retired medic 5 months ago
So did you see the things that guy on YouTube sees? 5 months ago
Is it FDC? I bet it’s FDC 5 months ago
Yes and worse. He only talks about the funny stuff. Though what might be funny to a table of EMS people, probably would make you ill to hear.
Never eat a meal with a table full of emergency medical personnel.