to the lizards - they probably wouldn’t call themselves females if they could
to humans - our definition of female is producing the large gamete so if all those lizards do that then, from our human perspective, they’re female
Comment on For the Lizadies out there! 5 months ago
Are they even females if their species only has one sex?
to the lizards - they probably wouldn’t call themselves females if they could
to humans - our definition of female is producing the large gamete so if all those lizards do that then, from our human perspective, they’re female 5 months ago
Well, female and male are defined based on their gonads. So yes, these are females because they produce egg cells. There are also animals that have more than two sexes or have sexes that change over time, or that are even weirder. But in all these cases, how we classify their sex is by their gonads.