Yet the conservatives cant stop calling anyone pro lgbt+ a pedo
Comment on Grok do a good 6 months agoAnyone I don’t like is a pedofile is the new anyone I don’t like is a nazi 6 months ago 6 months ago
Like the time Elon Musk called the diver who saved the kids trapped in a flooded cave a pedo just because he managed to do so before he could build his"robot" idea? 6 months ago
The submarine thing is still one of the most ridiculous ideas I’ve ever heard. The cave is in some places so narrow divers had to remove their tanks. How would an imaginary submarine based on a space X rocket make it through? 6 months ago
I d wouldn’t call it new, they’re used quite interchangeably. Also, its usually tied to political stances (conservative->lib & lib->conservative) - its like a insult on political views. 6 months ago
Oh come on after almost 10 years of the right using “pedophile” as their go-to insult for anyone they don’t like, the normal people do it once when it’s actually true, and you fly off the handle? That’s weird. 6 months ago
In Elon’s case, both allegations are valid.