Next up, Maxwell.
Turns out the secret to defeating entropy was demons all along.
Comment on Crystals 6 months ago
They recently found evidence that not only was penrose right, but there’s these crystaline things in your brain that do quantum shit, not very specific on all the details… but the first thing I thought was
“Can’t wait for Spirit Science to completely and delibrately misinterpret this to sell more rocks.”
Next up, Maxwell.
Turns out the secret to defeating entropy was demons all along.
Not familiar with that one and I’m way too high right now to read an explanation.
tl;dr Maxwell’s Demon is a thought experiment where an imaginary demon lets only hot molecules into a hot room and cold into a cold room (from each other), thereby violating thermodynamics.
Maxwell’s demon, a thought experiment of chambers filled with hot and cold gas, connected by a microscopic trapdoor.
Thermodynamics/statistics shows that on average hot particles will go from the hotter side to the colder more than vice versa, gradually evening things out. That’s increase of entropy (increase of ‘disorder’, because there’s less ‘order’ of the separation between hot and cold regions.)
Maxwell’s demon sits at the trapdoor and opens it only for hot particles from the cold side to go to the hot side, and cold ones from the hot side to go to the cold side. So the separation gets more; entropy decreases. But the demon apparently isn’t increasing entropy elsewhere or expending non-negligible energy.
Therefore violating thermodynamics which, I think Einstein famously said, is basically the only physical law you can be completely certain won’t be violated.
I think I’m too dumb to get it in general…
But I do hope that one day we can rewrite all the laws of the universe and invent God, that’s the dream.
Orch0R makes way too many wild claims for there to easily be any evidence for it. Even if we discover quantum effects (in the sense of scalable interference effects which have absolutely not been demonstrated) in the brain that would just demonstrate there are quantum effects in the brain, Orch0R is filled with a lot of assumptions which go far beyond this and would not be anywhere near justified. One of them being its reliance on gravity-induced collapse, which is nonrelativistic, meaning it cannot reproduce the predictions of quantum field theory, our best theory of the natural world. 6 months ago
I think you just did that as there is no experimental evidence at all to support Orch OR. 6 months ago