It’s weird how you want the beauty, but don’t seem to understand how it stays that way.
It’s maintenance. It’s user fees to fund maintenance.
You may think that’s socialist, but really it’s not. Proper socialism would be a portion of income tax being allocated toward funding a maintained park without added user fees for residents.
It’s usually cheaper overall for people using the park, but people who don’t use the park complain about their taxes being used to foot the bill; the same as they complain about paying for fire protection service they don’t use. 6 months ago
One of the uses of the taxes is to preserve the beauty and make it available to everyone except where it’s too fragile. A lot of the regulations exist to mitigate the evils caused by massive concentrations of humans, like air pollution. But hey, you go ahead and stay where you are. That’ll keep a place open for another of the many people who move away, experience life in those other states, and then come home again. 6 months ago
Don’t get me wrong Cali is still on the visit list, it’s just a matter of time and opportunity