Then they’re busking, people have made a living doing that since at least medieval times.
Fact is, working for your money is effective even if you’re begging. People are more likely to toss a dollar to a guy with a guitar or some other gimmick than they will to somebody just sitting there with a sign. Is it cruel, or gross? Maybe, yeah, a little bit. Extra sucks for the disabled homeless, I do understand that. But being a street performer is a legitimate job in some places. People will pay money for entertainment whether you’re on TV or on the corner of 5th and MLK. If a homeless person wants to dance for a dollar I say let them. Begging for spare change is legitimately a competitive business. That can make the difference between getting food and a haircut or not. 7 months ago
Yeah there is no difference between a delivery guy who at least has a job and a choice vs a homeless guy with literally no choice if it comes down to survival. Its not that hard to draw a long when you are not a complete dumbass