the blue ones can be the funnest ones
though perhaps not when you’re wildly unprepared for the things they will show you (and also, though I have yet to try them myself, probably not the best for dinner since everyone says they taste like shit)
Comment on Mushroom Guides 6 months agoHere’s a general rule for foraging mushrooms; don’t use “general rules”.
Also; “don’t eat it if it bruises blue”, you’ll miss out on all the fun ones with this advice.
the blue ones can be the funnest ones
though perhaps not when you’re wildly unprepared for the things they will show you (and also, though I have yet to try them myself, probably not the best for dinner since everyone says they taste like shit) 6 months ago
Yeah, atleast here in northern part of europe we have multiple shrooms that bruise blue and are still edible. I recomend getting a mushroom foraging guide book of your area, and first getting familiar with all the ones that can seriously hurt you. 6 months ago
Books pah! We didn’t take books the last time I went mushroom foraging! Books are for cowards! We took a senior fellow from the University of London who specialised in mycology, instead.