The problem with Dredd is that the director, Danny Cannon, wanted to follow the tone of the comics, whereas Stallone thought it was an action comedy. So the whole production had a push/pull effect applied to it, where Stallone won because he was the bigger name with more star pulling power.
Cannon says the final film is very different to the script due to Stallone’s changes.
I distinctly remember, many years ago, reading that Cannon was thinking of a director’s cut, and I’ve been waiting ever since.
Dredd (2012) for me, is the better film and I think they were using that entry to establish the character (for those who nothing of Dredd). Apparently the plan for the sequel was to bring in Judge Death, but as the film was a commercial flop, all plans were abandoned.
Finally, Rebellion Studios were working on a television show called Mega City One which would have occasional appearances from Dredd, but I haven’t heard anything about that show in years. 6 months ago
This has made me wonder, did any 90s film capture the source material well? I say this as someone who went from teen to young adult those years. Mean you can usually tell a movie’s decade, but this one sort of captured the 90s action movies as an aesthetic to me. Or maybe cause Stallone was in his groove for a bit which was an earlier/mid 90s thing too. Never read the comics but did enjoy the Dredd movie much more, and can’t go wrong with Karl Urban that I’ve seen.
I’m sure some lesser known comics did better but definitely not Batman, sure there were others I didn’t watch or realize were comic related. 6 months ago
Tank Girl did a pretty good job 6 months ago
Oddly that was a movie that came to mind but I hadn’t read any of the comics to know if it did it justice, just recall enjoying it as a teen. 6 months ago
Spawn was pretty good aside from the laughably bad 90’s cgi