- Comment on Wait, why is the White House using Starlink to ‘improve Wi-Fi’? 1 week ago:
There are so many better options to whatever they said, like there are so many better options for a properly run government. These days I just assume this is how the the US people (as a whole, I know many do not want this) want their government run, which is troubling but expected nowadays, unfortunately.
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 1 week ago:
With different mods each playthrough can be quite different too. That’s why easily modable games are awesome for their price. Of course I just like being in a big shooty mech to blow stuff up so may be biased on that one in particular.
- Comment on Xbox Boss Surrenders In The Great Console Wars 5 weeks ago:
The great one was Sega vs Nintendo, this was a sequel. A noticeable and impactful war but not the ‘great’ one.
- Comment on First Image of Matt Damon as Odysseus in Christopher Nolan's 'The Odyssey' 5 weeks ago:
My favorite way to say Matt Damon for the internal laugh. Also enjoy the story of how the puppet didn’t turn out right so we got what we all laugh at for the Matt Damon puppet.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 Has Finally Hit Overwhelmingly Positive On Steam 2 months ago:
They probably assumed from Witcher 3 it was mostly fine. I played a fair number of hours on PC, I think the second (maybe 3rd) time it crashed for me was when I was playing the dlc intro, and I don’t think I noticed any horrible bugs. Now I’m not saying they weren’t there of course but this may have all been that reviewers saw as well. Also I think PC was much better on launch than the console so that may have played a big part in it.
I never read many reviews ahead of time to know what promised features were excluded but I’m sure there were a number, so that should have sunk the score noticably.
I would say it’s easily a great game now, but mostly I love the attitude and aesthetics of cyberpunk (the genre) and this was one of the recent games that did that part right.
- Comment on Don’t Look Up director says ‘half a billion people’ have now seen film despite critics 2 months ago:
It wasn’t till I read you original comment that I remembered how awful I felt at one point watching it, I get it and understand not wanting to subject yourself to that sort of feeling willingly. Thankfully it passed and I was able to watch, but I won’t say I enjoyed it, just that in an art sense it has merit.
- Comment on Don’t Look Up director says ‘half a billion people’ have now seen film despite critics 2 months ago:
I found it difficult to watch when i did due to the situation, maybe not right in covid but not out of it either. As depressing as it made me feel at points (girlfriends choice of movie so had to sit through it but we alternate so only fair) I found it amusing that while plainly satire the actual dialogue and actions were pretty much what at least one democratically elected administration showed during a huge crisis. If it aired 10 years previous it’d probably be in the bin of crappy spoof movies for being so ridiculous and maybe get a cult folowing, yet it was practically a documentary with the situation changed.
I can understand not feeling comfortable due to the triggering in it though, it wasn’t exactly a fun watch even if it was a comedy.
- Comment on Disgusting money driven mindset 2 months ago:
Upvoting for the acknowledgement, not cause I think you’re dumb. I read things incorrectly all the time. If only everyone could admit a simple misunderstanding gracefully, or at least with minimal frustration.
- Comment on Disgusting money driven mindset 2 months ago:
Wait I thought the person you replied to was saying the person who was interviewed name should be censored. Not the poster’s name.
Or am I missing something? That does happen more often than I’d like.
- Comment on Nom nom 2 months ago:
As a kid I saw it as an arrow pointing, it points to the small number. That’s how I remembered it. I can now understand it ‘facing’ the big number but it was never pointing any direction other than the point, which is to the smaller one. Now I understand it eats the bigger one but it took awhile to see it as anything but an arrow point, if they drew them with teeth I’d have understood the eating better as a kid but I don’t think any teacher did that. I never had trouble understanding overall so wasn’t an issue.
- Comment on Valve is fixin' to start some arguments over the holidays because 'All adult members in a Steam Family' can see your Steam Replay page 3 months ago:
I bet the huddle sections would … have more code and or animations than most football games.
- Comment on We dumb 3 months ago:
Eventually you realize you forget almost as much as you learn, it’s like a bilge pump in a sinking boat. Then you focus on what you want to remember and come to acceptance with that.
- Comment on McConnell Defends Polio Vaccine, an Apparent Warning to RFK Jr. 3 months ago:
Only because it personally impacted him, if not he probably wouldn’t have said anything.
- Comment on Monarch Butterflies Are Recommended for Protected Status | They would become the most commonly seen species to receive federal protection if the proposal is adopted. 3 months ago:
Every time I hear about monarch butterflies I can’t help but think of The Venture Bros, Oh sweetie butterflies only live about nine months.
I do hope we can do something so there’s more left to live after the last generation. In general too, we should feel ashamed at how we treat our distant cousins, biologically speaking that is, I don’t know your actual distant cousin.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
It’s all Pym particles, that’s what Marvel really runs on.
- Comment on Microsoft Confirms Windows 11 Update Kills Star Wars Outlaws, Assassin's Creed Valhalla, and Other Ubisoft Games 3 months ago:
Often I really do while playing games. Sometimes I love a good intricate or full of social commentary games, other times I just want to move my mouse and watch things die when I press a button. Though it has to look pretty at the very least if it’s the latter type.
- Comment on "Naked Gun" & "Airplane" Director Abrahams Dies 3 months ago:
Somehow I didn’t watch Airplane! Until I was an adult but I loooooved Naked Gun and other similar spoof movies (I used to be able to recite the Spaceballs movie from memory for the most part, always paired Naked Gun type comedy with Mel Brooks in my head) growing up. So it’s sad that a director that managed to film such hilarious scenes that are by much artistic merit silly and stupid. I love silly and stupid so I’m sadder today. I hope he can direct some being in the afterlife to perform some comedy.
Always remember even if it’s stupid and makes you laugh, at least it made you laugh and few things are better than a good laugh.
- Comment on Gaetz Withdraws as Attorney General Pick 4 months ago:
Does this mean Trump gets to pick his Florida judge that dismissed his criminal case now? Mean she has to be owed and a Trump always pays…heh can’t even type that with a straight face, but as AG she’ll be able to do so many more favours for him. Until Thomas retires from the supreme court and she takes that seat to continue her mockery of anything resembling law in a democracy.
- Comment on Disney lost nearly a third of a billion dollars on two Marvel movies 5 months ago:
Sometimes there’s nothing wrong with enjoying your favourite comic book characters on screen, like watching a live action cartoon. Comics don’t make sense all the time, or cartoons, comic book movies don’t have to either.
If that’s not for you, than to each their own.
I’ll also say I haven’t enjoyed many DC / Marvel movies for awhile but not because they don’t follow their rules. That’s their secret… They have no rules.
Okay I may be wrong there but I don’t know offhand one rule a comic story hasn’t broken at a new point. I also don’t read a ton of them but I know they change their mind a whole lot. Also physics goes out the window when you take into account many comic characters. Sure ant man said this, who says ant man was correct?
- Comment on Science is Magic 7 months ago:
I’m not sure I’ve heard that one, very similar and awesome. I should read some of him, yes I know very famous just something I haven’t got around to doing.
- Comment on Science is Magic 7 months ago:
I do agree but if you wanted to make to case for ‘God’ they could have made sure some of their creatures evolved to understand his work, assuming they did it in a logical way. I’m not a person with faith but just try and think a way is possible, though usually trying to understand weird comic and media universe type actions.
We are the way for a universe to understand itself (paraphrased from Sagan). Though his writing is much more interesting than this comment. I just think there’s room for belief if it works for people, but not for the strict literal interpretations that many seem to believe.
- Comment on Jay and Silent Bob 3 officially titled Store Wars 7 months ago:
Not that this helps their case but they’re over 50 now. Well Jason Mewes only turned 50 in June so depending on filming maybe be forty something. I’m older, I still like Kevin Smith, I have simple tastes. I still watch Baseketball now and then. Though I don’t think a group of me would make much of a market heh. To each their own.
- Comment on Dune 3 | Release confirmed for late 2026; could its title be something other than Dune: Messiah? 8 months ago:
He does say he only checks via prescient, in the book’s time, to make sure they’re still on the golden path so he can get surprised. That is one of my favourite bits as well, he sort of gapped out for a moment. Then later we get introduced to him talking about wool gathering when Moneo’s mind wanders, that just made me ponder if that phrase was because he kept thinking about his surprise earlier in the story due to his own wool gathering. If I recall that phrase came up a few times in the series but I can’t remember if earlier or later books.
Also if you think about it, never being surprised and living thousands of years would be quite boring and humanizes him in a way that most people would not think of since he’s the worm.
- Comment on Dune 3 | Release confirmed for late 2026; could its title be something other than Dune: Messiah? 8 months ago:
Hope you’re enjoying it, it’s my favourite of the series but I enjoy the philosophy pondering in that book. I can see why it’s not for many readers though, and if Dune was hard to film I couldn’t imagine trying to do that book without voiceovers of Leeto for more runtime than most studios and viewers would like.
- Comment on Why Judge Dredd Still Needs a Comics-Accurate Adaptation 8 months ago:
Oddly that was a movie that came to mind but I hadn’t read any of the comics to know if it did it justice, just recall enjoying it as a teen.
- Comment on Why Judge Dredd Still Needs a Comics-Accurate Adaptation 8 months ago:
This has made me wonder, did any 90s film capture the source material well? I say this as someone who went from teen to young adult those years. Mean you can usually tell a movie’s decade, but this one sort of captured the 90s action movies as an aesthetic to me. Or maybe cause Stallone was in his groove for a bit which was an earlier/mid 90s thing too. Never read the comics but did enjoy the Dredd movie much more, and can’t go wrong with Karl Urban that I’ve seen.
I’m sure some lesser known comics did better but definitely not Batman, sure there were others I didn’t watch or realize were comic related.
- Comment on Explain that, science nerds! 8 months ago:
Like Hitchhiker’s guide…is it safe? Oh yes it’s safe but not us.
- Comment on Evidence 8 months ago:
Seems like a distinction without a difference, I sort of assumed the OP meant that is all I mean. We don’t know anything before the beginning after all. Like you said.
- Comment on Tim Burton's Batman is 35: Once Upon a Time, Superhero Movies Could Be Bold Auteur Visions 8 months ago:
Shame you were down voted, everyone likes their own things. I preferred the first one until the Nolan ones myself (lived in the middle of nowhere was actually one of the few theatre movies I saw) but there was a horrible drought of superhero movies for those decades and any Batman was fun to get.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Yeah isn’t he The Captain? (how I met your mother, how I always call him out with my girlfriend). Yes I know he did plenty but for some reason that one sticks, even if I half watched Dune with my dad in the 80s and 90s.