Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago
But Infinite growth!! How do you affirm the ability for a new CEO to make tough decisions without going on insane hiring sprees to show growth, and then firing those same people to cut corners and also show growth!? The economy needs blood!
Oh wait, they’re not publically traded? I thought only corner shops were allowed to stay off the market.
Okay, end savage stock market mockery. 7 months ago
There’s also such a thing as a blue chip stock. 7 months ago
That’s just a name we give to “a share of a well-known, profitable, and established company with a history of success”. I.e. “companies that experience constant and consistent growth”. That’s literally what OP is criticizing. They do the same things. Microsoft is a blue chip. You think they don’t have layoffs to appease shareholders? Google? Apple? 7 months ago
More along the lines of a Coca Cola. 7 months ago
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”