Comment on Get in the Hilux 7 months agoi think anyone should be allowed to choose whether they want to work, and if they choose not to, they should at a minimum be provided housing, food, running potable water and clothing. 7 months ago
On what basis? Are you asking me to support financially someone fully capable of working? Fuck that, I have my own children to support. If he can work, he should work.
Unless you are talking about universal basic income - but this is completely different idea to benefits and should be paid instead of all the other state payouts, including state pension. I am not opposed to that, that’s just basic wealth sharing. 7 months ago
i’m not asking you to do anything, unless of course you’re a member of the super wealthy who don’t pay a fair share in taxes. The burden should be on the wealthiest individuals who profit off our backs and keep us in this perpetual capitalist hell. 7 months ago
The good news is that Capitalism cannot be perpetual, so the Hellscape will end at somepoint. 7 months ago
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the wealthy should pay much, much more than they do. They also should work for their money rather than spending time on golf courses or wanking themselves on twitter.
That does not alleviate the basic duty of every single person, capable of working, to be able to earn his own maintenance.There is plenty of people unable to do so (or temporary unable to do so) and these should be helped. 7 months ago
You should read OP’s edit, cause you sound like an ass. An why the hell do you want to be a slave to work so damn bad, and think others should be forced into that mentality? You do you, but I garauntee if you were in the position of a billionaire, you would be doing the same. No one wants to work. No one needs to work 40hrs. If everyone could make enough from a 20hr work week, im willing to bet their would be a hell of a lot less “leeches” as you so unemphathetically call them. 7 months ago
On the basis that they are alive and if they didn’t get those basic amenities they wouldn’t be anymore. You know, like we do with healthcare in actually civilized countries. 7 months ago
Oh, but they will be alive. Alive and working like they should.