This guy’s vote counts as much as yours. I.E. next to nothing.
Comment on Anon's coworker is a flat-earther 8 months ago
On the one hand, yeah. Worrying about stuff that you have barely any control over won’t get you far. But on the other hand, that guy’s vote counts as much as yours. And if he already believes such silly conspiracy theories as the flat earth theory, he will be easily swayed by whoever is the loudest contrarian. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Depends on where you live. California, Texas? Yeah close to nothing in comparison with someone from Wisconsin. For some reason that I keep getting told isn’t political favoritism. 8 months ago
Yah, it’s not so much what he believes, but that he displays a lack of critical thinking skills or even common sense. That’s just how it came to the surface. 8 months ago
Right and that should be the target of our efforts. Not fighting over scientific research they’ve already decided to reject. Encourage them to think more critically. You can only encourage someone when you have their ear. You only have someone’s ear when they’re comfortable around you. Demeaning someone’s intelligence and telling them their world view is a toxic lie, is a quick way to convince them they’ll only ever be at odds with you. 8 months ago
the challenge isn’t to let him enjoy life with his stupid ass conspiracy, it’s to get him to realize for himself that he’s been duped by both strangers on the internet and Conservative conspiracies. Deradicalizing and then radicalizing is hard as fuck