Comment on gotdamn 5 months agoyouve started projecting now. because water is wet you must say how youre really feeling but towards me
Comment on gotdamn 5 months agoyouve started projecting now. because water is wet you must say how youre really feeling but towards me 5 months ago
I don’t have any feelings towards you at all.
That doesn’t change the fact that water is not wet, it merely makes other things wet. 5 months ago
do you not see the logical fallacy of that? “its not wet i swear its just that everything it touches suddenly becomes wet and no one knows why” 5 months ago
I have repeatedly pointed out your logical fallacies. Wasn’t it just you accusing me of projecting? Lol. 5 months ago
projecting being mad not the fallacy part. and i was gonna say that earlier but kept forgetting to 😂
water is wet just like fire is hot