Do that same math, but use .5555… instead of .9999…
Comment on I just cited myself. 8 months agoIt still equals 1, you can prove it without using fractions: x = 0.999… 10x = 9.999… 10x = 9 + 0.999… 10x = 9 + x 9x = 9 x = 1
There’s even a Wikipedia page on the subject 8 months ago 8 months ago
Have you tried it? You get 0.555… which kinda proves the point does it not? 8 months ago
Not sure what you’re aiming for. It proves that the setup works, I suppose.
x = 0.555…
10x = 5.555…
10x = 5 + 0.555…
10x = 5+x
9x = 5
x = 5/9
5/9 = 0.555…
So it shows that this approach will indeed provide a result for x that matches what x is supposed to be.
Hopefully it helped? 8 months ago
I hate this because you have to subtract .99999… from 10. Which is just the same as saying 10 - .99999… = 9
Which is the whole controversy but you made it complexicated. 8 months ago
You don’t subtract from 10, but from 10x0.999… I mean your statement is also true but it just proves the point further. 8 months ago
No you do subtract from 9.999999…