Comment on Pillaging by the Super-Rich Will Continue Until the Working Class Revolts 8 months agoI know that’s true, but we have to devise plans to fight back against this. How could we fight against misinformation from the ruling class and their control of the media? 8 months ago
Fight misinformation with information. There are independent shows, podcasts, news that you can share with your friends and family. 8 months ago
Unfortunately, that doesn’t work in general. It is easier to poison discussion than it is to convince people with arguments. One person screaming obscenities prevent an entire room of people from having a rational discussion. It’s an asymmetrical effort, it’s hard work to produce quality information, and it’s free to generate gigabytes of slanted information.
If you are a human being, there are many things you know are true, but you act as if they are not. We are not rational creatures, we are social creatures. We don’t respond to arguments, we respond to social cues. It is more important for an extremely social creature like a human to agree with their social group than to be objectively correct. 8 months ago
I agree, honest media is out there, but you have to seek it. Corporate media is out for your eyeballs at any cost and will exaggerate, diminish, and outright lie if they can get more views, and is incredibly biased generally.