- Comment on Knowledge is power 8 months ago:
Will this increase the quality of our weather and climate models?
- Comment on Pillaging by the Super-Rich Will Continue Until the Working Class Revolts 8 months ago:
Fight misinformation with information. There are independent shows, podcasts, news that you can share with your friends and family.
- Comment on Being anonymous is getting harder and harder 8 months ago:
Let’s see how well his quote ages as subscription services become ubiquitous.
- Comment on GIS nerds be like 1 year ago:
Oh thank you very much. Yes, the map viewer I often use, although I’ve only touched Landsat and Sentinel imagery.
- Comment on GIS nerds be like 1 year ago:
Ugh, I was in rural china once and the uncle of my ex threw all his trash in his back yard. Disgusting. Nobody really minded though. They didn’t approve, but they didn’t confront him.
- Comment on GIS nerds be like 1 year ago:
Okay what is nhd and ngs? When I’m horny for aerial imagery, I’m usually browsing Landsat and Sentinel archives.
- Comment on Tasty bananasketti 1 year ago:
B bu but wh what are you n now?
- Comment on Microsoft Next Console Coming 2028 1 year ago:
Yes, I totally agree with what you said. They currently try to buy out the digital gaming space of the internet, sell it for cheap and later on up the price. That’s what big corporations usually do nowadays. Same with X, Google, Amazon, Netflix, etc. It’s a big issues that we as consumers and later on citizens of our planet face.
However, currently it is a sweet deal for me. And the argument that I’d own the game otherwise doesn’t count for me as I would most probably never replay it.
The argument of whose property the item is is different for me for movies, series, and audiobooks. I’m surprised that this scheme was not yet applied for books / e-books. Or am I wrong?
- Comment on Microsoft Next Console Coming 2028 1 year ago:
I can totally relate. Paying 30-100€ per game is something for rich people or something I’d to once or max twice a year on very carefully selected games, hoping these games are worth it. With Game Pass I spent 120€ a year to access a wide range of games.
Once I played through or once version 2 of a game comes out, I’m not likely to play it ever again.
Also I have phases where I play a lot and phases where I do not play at all. I can simply discontinue Game Pass in these cases.
- Comment on we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas 1 year ago:
A friend once applied for a job at Caritas in Germany and got rejected for the reason of not being catholic, but christian. I think you could argue that is okay, but by German law it actually is not.
- Comment on Capitalism indoctrination in progress. 1 year ago:
True enough. Yes, I would expect them to move towards my expectation once they got to know me better and once they see that I might fit into the team quite nice. At least I believe it more likely than weeding me out based on numbers in the very first call. I too don’t have enough experience to know whether this is realistic. I just know that my current employer would lean into that way of thinking.
But, it seems that many companies can still afford to weed out candidates by numbers, at least here in Germany. So, I just have to do me as long as I have a secure position and otherwise, otherwise.
- Comment on Capitalism indoctrination in progress. 1 year ago:
Congratulations 😄
- Comment on Capitalism indoctrination in progress. 1 year ago:
I often get ask about my salary expectation in the very first 10 minute interview with the HR person, before even getting the chance to talk to the team. Being sincere, I wouldn’t get to follow-up interviews if I told them my expectation that they would definitely see as too high.
How do you deal with that situation?