It was never a force for good. Assange got innocent people murdered because of his actions.
Comment on Julian Assange leaves UK after being freed in US plea deal - BBC News 8 months agoYeah… I’ve very mixed feelings about this. On paper, wikileaks was a force for good, but it got taken over by far right/Russian assets. 8 months ago 8 months ago
And yet if not for his actions, it would have never come to light that the US military murdered a bunch of innocent people including Reuters journalists in 2007. I know it sucks how Wikileaks curates info, and ideally this should be handled in a way that’s less exploitable by foreign governments, but to me, it seems they are vigilantes doing stuff because the US justice system wouldn’t.
I mean, look at the Trump prosecution. If you had proof of the DNC doing its antidemocratic shit to prevent anyone who is not in big corp pockets getting elected, does the Trump prosecution inspire confidence that if you just made a police report, anything would happen? 8 months ago
The legacy is irreparably tainted. He abused a position of influence to push a personal vendetta and in the process, helped the kremlin inject a political cancer into western society.
Assange turned out to be just as much a megalomaniacal, petty little tyrant as those he pointed a sanctimonious finger at, to the cheers of those who saw him as a “friend”, when he was only just “the enemy of my enemy”.