Don’t cars have carborators? Are carborators edible?
I don’t know anything about cars except they go vroom. I know even less about chemistry.
Comment on ochem 8 months agoWell, you might’ve heard foods with carbohydrates are sometimes referred to by the abbreviation “carbs". If you know carbs are food, it’s obvious the word starting in “carb-” is the edible one.
If you weren’t familiar with that abbreviation, here’s another memory helper: Spaghetti carbonara contains carbs.
If you’re also not familiar with spaghetti carbonara, I’m very sorry for you.
Don’t cars have carborators? Are carborators edible?
I don’t know anything about cars except they go vroom. I know even less about chemistry.
I have never herd of anyone eating a carburetor and dying, so we have to assume it’s safe to eat 8 months ago
But spaghetti also needs water so wouldn’t that make it a hydrocarbonara? 8 months ago
Aye, I stand defeated. 8 months ago
Or a carbonarahydrate?