Something else we can do: regulate. Like every other corrupt industry in the history of this country, we need the force of law to fix it–and for pretty much all the same reasons. People worked at Triangle Shirtwaist because they had to, not because they thought it was a great place to work.
Comment on Elsevier 8 months agoThere are a couple things we can do:
- decline to review for the big journals. why give them free labor? Do academic service in other ways.
- if you’re organizing a workshop or conference, put the papers online for free. If you’re just participating and not organizing, then suggest they put the papers online for free. Here’s an example: If that’s too time-consuming, use: 8 months ago
Fully agree but I can tell you about point 1 that there enough gullible scientists in the world that see nothing wrong with the current system.
They will gadly pick up free review when Nature comes knocking, since its “such an honour” for such a reputable paper. 8 months ago
Such a reputable paper that’s no doubt accepted dozens of ChatGPT papers by now. Wow, how prestigious!