Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: ⏩🆚⏮️ Tuesday, June 18, 2024 ⁨2⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

Been in a found footage/handheld cam horror mood lately and watched what I think might be the worst movie I’ve ever seen called Dashcam.

It actually does a good (if not repetitive) job of jump scares but my god, the main character is such a piece of crap. The main character uses the same name as the actor and it’s set during covid and she’s anti-vax, anti-mask, etc. (apparently not too far off this persons personality), she steals her friends car, steals food, has zero redeemable qualities and to make it worse as she is being chased by this parasite/monster thing she starts uttering these random phrases like ‘cm on my tts, fk me in a’ etc. It is so so cringey.

Worst of all


She’s the only survivor.

Two others I watched are Unfriended, and Deadstream which were both good and I recommend them.
