The fallout shelter at my jr high was turned into the cave all the theater nerds dwelled in. Now it probably a shooter shelter :(
Comment on Ah, memories... 8 months ago
Born too late for duck n cover drills.
Born too early for active shooter drills. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Shooter drills have everyone sit in the corner of the room with the lights off, shades down, door locked, and instructions to be quiet and attack anyone who goes through the door with whatever you can throw 8 months ago
Gee, it’s almost like having a deadly weapon that can be wielded by almost anyone, and would do an excellent job at protecting those children, would be a good idea.
Naw, let the children fight off bullets with books and paperweights. Life’s a bitch - no sense in coddling them. 8 months ago
Of course, the solution to children using deadly weapons is to give them to more children. Genius! 8 months ago
Schools used to have shooting ranges built into them. And school shootings weren’t a problem. Kids are more than capable of being responsible around firearms.
The only reason you’re gunphobic is because you’ve been brainwashed.