Comment on "Gluten Free" has officially gone too far. 9 months ago
I’m not sure why there is an issue here? My son has a gluten allergy and breaks out when he plays with play dough that isn’t gluten free.
Niche product, sure. But definitely a market. 9 months ago
Okay, the play-dough maybe… but the sand? Would you ever buy your child sand and worry about the gluten content? 9 months ago
Same concept. Kinetic sand not having gluten in it is initially why we swapped to it.
Truthfully having a big Gluten Free label on it just makes it easier for parents to know kids with gluten allergies can play with it.
But it wasn’t something that was obvious to us without researching it specifically.
I mean it like buying a hairless cat if you’re allergic to them. Like I still want to play with a cat, I just need one that doesn’t cause issues for me due to dander.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 9 months ago
Common misconception. Cat allergies are triggered by proteins in their bodily fluids, particularly their pee and their saliva. Cats do lick themselves a lot, and dander also contributes to it, but hairless cats are not hypoallergenic
Sincerely, a pet lover with cat allergies :( 9 months ago
wait is gluten alergy on the skin too? I thought the person had to eat it 9 months ago
Bro you are talking about play dough age kids here. Even if they don’t stick the dough in their mouth they most certainly won’t anally wash their hands after every time they play with play dough in a very defined area of the house. 9 months ago
This is why you don’t get nuts when traveling on an airplane carrying a passenger with a nut allergy. Allergic responses vary wildly. You might have a mild allergy that gives you a rash if you east too much of something. Or, you might go into anaphylactic shock if you breath air that’s had nuts in it.
My wife has an autoimmune disease that’s triggered by foods. Some foods more than others, and there’s some tolerance to each. She shouldn’t eat capsicum, but she loves spicy food, and she can eat some, but it she eats it too often, she gets a response flare. OTOH, she can’t have any amount of dairy: the response is rapid, and severe, and she has to take steroids to get it under control. Luckily, she’s not sensitive to anything (that we’ve found, anyway) that triggers a response from the molecules in the air.
Oh, there are two things you may have forgotten: first, when you smell something, you’re literally tasting molecules of that thing; second, your skin is your body’s largest organ, and you can absolutely ingest stuff through your skin. That’s how Novichok, and other nerve agents, work. 9 months ago
Gluten intolerant person here. It’s like any other allergies where it runs the gambit. Most of us only have digestive issues if we eat it. Very rarely however, people will have the thing where they will just fucking explode into hives if someone breaks out a piece of bread in the same room as them. Just like peanut kid in elementary school. 9 months ago
It’s not normal sand, it’s kinetic sand. There is more in that container than just sand. Most notably silicone oil, dyes, etc.
People don’t know what other ingredients are in there, and it sits on the shelf right next to other smushy things that can cause certain kids to have an allergic reaction. 9 months ago
The other ingredient is corn starch.