Comment on Anon interviews for a job 8 months agoWe used LOTS of words then that are now not ok to use. Growing as individuals and groups is a good thing, being attentive to others is a good thing, understanding that you see no offence to a word where others do and changing that behaviour betters everyone. 8 months ago
Nah, speech police is just a disguised form of fascism. 8 months ago
Dude, I don’t think you understand what fascism is about. Telling someone something is wrong isn’t fascism or saying murder is wrong would be fascism. 8 months ago
So the nazis didn’t disappear people who said the wrong thing? And people wouldn’t say the thing out of fear something might happen to them?
How different is that really? Did I use hyperbole? Sure. I still don’t like it when people tell me how to speak my mind. 8 months ago
Who the hell is getting “disappeared?” Fascists violence and force to enforce their beliefs. The also appealed to a mythos of their support their idiology.…/download/
I think 13 is particularly relevant here: “Disdain for intellectuals and the arts not aligned with the fascist narrative.” It is the people saying treating people kindly who are being attacked by Fascists. They tell people that the “woke left is attacking us and making us change” as a means to dismiss things trying to create change to better care for all people.
Fine. Most people don’t like being told what they’re doing is wrong. Those in favor of slavery and white supremacy get (or got) upset when asked to change as well. That doesn’t make it acceptable.
If I start insulting you or using slurs against you, I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate it. You are more upset at being told that you may upset others than actually willing to change to not hurt others. You don’t want to be told you’re insulting people because it’s insulting to you. Do you see the issue? If you’re hurt by being told not to hurt other people, maybe it’s your actions that are the issue. Hypocracy isn’t valorant.