Got caught beating it at work, eh?
Comment on Why isn't jerking off more valorized as an easy dopamine hit that's also literally good for you? 8 months agoThe current 3rd/4th wave feminism finds male sexual pleasure very abhorrent. If you can find anything in the mainstream discourse coming from a feminist that says otherwise please share.
Feminists can’t even agree to be against circumcision which is clearly genital mutilation. 8 months ago 8 months ago
I don’t find downplaying the gentital mutation of innocent babies funny. I’m not sure why feminists do. 8 months ago
Downplaying the nonsense that you tried to make more palatable by putting it next to actual issues and hoping you could use it to misdirect when you got called out, while also pointing out your completely untrue claims betray that you got justly called out for some IRL bad behavior and want to blame feminists for creating a social norm where that behavior is no longer tolerated. 8 months ago
Thats just not true my dude, there is nothing about feminist thought that says that male pleasure is abhorrent. To think so shows a lack of understanding of feminism… 8 months ago
Feminism suffers from being very broad. There are a lot of conflict viewpoints living under the umbrella of feminism and people saying that their interpretation is the correct one. And there ate a bunch of waves of feminism too, each one a bit different.
So there are absolutely feminists who are anti male. They may be a loud fringe minority, but they’re there. 8 months ago
Bah dum tiss 8 months ago
But I’m talking about mainstream feminism in the public discourse right now. Think the “Barbie” movie. Male sexuality is very clearly depicted a inherently dangerous which is core mainstream feminist belief. 8 months ago
Did you actually watch the movie or just regurgitating a viewpoint someone else claimed the movie was about. 8 months ago
I haven’t seen the movie. How does it depict make sexuality as inherently dangerous? 8 months ago
I won’t disagree that there are definitely anti-men feminists, but there have also been anti-bi feminists, and currently there are anti-trans feminists. But none of them are worth discussing when talking about feminism as a whole because they really don’t apply. Those are ideologies that should be tackled independently, and should not be considered representative of the movement in general. 8 months ago
Okay, post some mainstream feminist discourse that says otherwise. Highly influential feminist like Dworkin go as far as saying that any sexual intercourse with men is sexual assault. 8 months ago
“She is often said to argue that “all heterosexual sex is rape”, based on the line from the book that says, “Violation is a synonym for intercourse.” However, Dworkin has denied this interpretation, stating, “What I think is that sex must not put women in a subordinate position. It must be reciprocal and not an act of aggression from a man looking only to satisfy himself. That’s my point.”[1]”
Second paragraph on wikipedia… 8 months ago
But she posits that patriarchy is all encompassing and subordinates all women. Even the feminist that wrote the forward said that’s what she meant.
Numerous feminists have said they interpreted that way. It’s hard to take her denial seriously given the context of her book and the rest of her writings. 8 months ago
First, Dworkin has never said that and did not think that.
Second, she died almost twenty years ago my dude. Intercourse was published in '87 during the second wave of feminism. Why are you misquoting her as an example of current mainstream discourse? And even if we’re going to be talking about feminist views of the 80’s, you’re conveniently ignoring sex-positive feminism. The sex wars were like, the defining feminist debate of that era. 8 months ago
She did in fact say that and your link doesn’t refute that. And sex positive feminism is not sex positive for men. As I’ve said many times before I’m talking about mainstream feminist discourse. Feminist always use this tactic of digging up some progressive strain of feminism knowing full well it’s not influential.
Dworkin may have died awhile ago but her work is still regularly cites and studies by mainstream feminism and her influence can be seen in movies like the Barbie movie. 8 months ago
This is exactly my point. This is a harsh misunderstanding at what she was getting at…
She is saying that the reality of sex for the vast majority of history has been about men dominating women, not interested in satisfying the women involved, but someone already covered that point.