Comment on It's your amigo, Ralph! 8 months ago
imagines torturing Ralph for 500,000 years
Joke’s on you! Ralph is only being tortured as long as you think of how he’s being tortured!
Played yaself, torturor!
I can imagine 500,000 years pretty quickly by using a montage.
What music is playing during the montage?
Ain’t even gotta do that, just imagine he suffered for 500,000 years and he did, just like everyone and everything you ever knew was created last Thursday 8 months ago
Joke’s on you! Ralph is only being tortured as long as you think of how he’s being tortured!
Played yaself, torturor! 8 months ago
I can imagine 500,000 years pretty quickly by using a montage. 8 months ago
What music is playing during the montage? 8 months ago 8 months ago
Ain’t even gotta do that, just imagine he suffered for 500,000 years and he did, just like everyone and everything you ever knew was created last Thursday