You gotta remember your on
Comment on Workers Create Value 8 months agoSo you’re saying you’d rather have Corporations and Billionaires continue to rob the working class? 8 months ago
Comment on Workers Create Value 8 months agoSo you’re saying you’d rather have Corporations and Billionaires continue to rob the working class?
You gotta remember your on 8 months ago
I’d rather my worker’s rights didn’t come with a side of authoritarianism, but maybe that’s just me. 8 months ago
Yet you live under the authority of Capital everyday, interesting. 8 months ago is run by marxist-leninists (hence the .ml), which is an explicitly authoritarian ideology, and for the record trading one form of authoritarianism for another is not a worthwhile improvement. 8 months ago
Yes it is, because authoritarianism isn’t the end state of ML. You readily acknowledge that we currently live under an authoritarian Capitalist system, can you tell me what the end goal of this system even is? I mean most workers are one missed paycheck away from homelessness. While vast sums of wealth are horded by the top 1% of society with the only end goal being more wealth being extracted from the working class, with no actual goal besides more profit and greater wealth. The end goal of Marxist-Leninism is a classes society where each person contributes what they can to society and receives back what they need to live a fulfilling life. They are extremely different. 8 months ago
I don’t know where that idea came from but the .ml doesn’t stand for marxist-leninist, those domains are simply free 8 months ago
My respectfully-written comment got removed for no good cause by a moderator (an authority figure. D’oh!) 8 months ago
You’ll be hard pressed to have your average person online casually use the Engelian type use of authority in authoritarian. The authority of work or authority of capital isn’t what they’re thinking. What is being imagined is almost always despotic tyranny.
Same thing with dictatorship. Most people will see that word and not associate it with a philosophical concept that includes a kind of rule by a class of citizens. They’ll use it synonymous to despotic tyranny.
Outside .ml at least, and especially on .world.