You’re confusing correlation does not equal causation with some other logical fallacy. Probably denying the antecedent, but I can’t be arsed to look up the specific one.
If you think Christianity is uniquely bad that’s probably because you haven’t learned enough about other religions. 8 months ago
I know you’re all excited because you just understood the “correlation does not equal causation” principle, but “being religious” generally means being christian in english and I think you are just refusing to see that. 8 months ago
The only reason for that is the many genocides perpetrated against members of other religions. Especially in places like Australia and the Americas where Christians were bloodthirsty invaders. By equating the two, all you’re doing is continuing the work of conquistadores and other murderous colonisers. 8 months ago
Europeans regularly killed other Europeans, who were Christian. The natives could have met them at the shore with a stack of bibles and the colonizers still would have slaughtered them. 8 months ago
It sounds like you’re saying religious genocide doesn’t matter because it would have happened anyway.