Comment on Venus Fly Traps 8 months ago
I mean if you kill your pollinators you’re not going to reproduce, so that makes sense.
Comment on Venus Fly Traps 8 months ago
I mean if you kill your pollinators you’re not going to reproduce, so that makes sense. 8 months ago
Get that randomized “trial and error” crap out of here. Everyone knows nobody and nothing ever uses trial and error, because it can’t deliver results. 8 months ago
Genetic mutation is always occurring 8 months ago
Evolution works like a tree’s structure branches over time. That’d why it’s always animated like that. It is NOT that everything gets expressed and then gets tested. It is that the current thing “alive” is changing. It seems crazy now only because you’re seeing the veeeeerry complicated leaves at the ends of very complicated branches. Branches that have mostly ended by now.
You know what happens to animals with unsurvivable mutations? They die. All the time. Even humans with unsurvivable mutations happen ALL THE TIME.
The same thing happens on a species level over many survivable generations.
It IS basically “trial and error”, but trial and error in a VERY complicated and dynamic system after a very, very long time, currently stemming from the complicated results of that system.
You cannot dismiss the system just because one aspect confuses you when removed from context… 8 months ago
Image 8 months ago
By any chance did you drop an /s?