Comment on Right wing shit post ⁨3⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Trucker picks up a couple of gay dudes hitchhiking. After they get rolling the first hitchhiker asks if he can fart in the cab.

“Sure. No problem.”

Man rips a trombone, and gods does it smell.

Further down the road the next hitchhiker asks the same.

“Hey, we all gotta bro. You go for it.”

Dude brings out a tuba, stinks like death.

Finally the trucker starts getting squirrelly.

“Guess you guys don’t mind if I let one rip?”


Gay guys smirk, “WE KNOW WHO’S A VIRGIN!”

(Sorry, but that’s all I can think of seeing this cartoon. Flips it around nicely. 🎷)
