The 2 top grossing movies on that list are milling franchises, though.
Comment on ‘Furiosa,’ ‘Garfield’ lead slowest Memorial Day box office in decades 8 months ago
Let them burn money on nonsense projects. Maybe if they loose enough money they will finally learn to stop it with the franchise milking and remakes. 8 months ago 8 months ago
The milked franchise is the one burning money and won’t make its 168 million budget.
If you judge quality purely by sales then you must be the reason we’re getting another fast and furious movie. 8 months ago
I’ve got a franchise, Greg. 8 months ago
Can you milk me, focker? 8 months ago
Furiosa was great though. George Miller is actually making original scripts and doing a great job of it. You should support this if you don’t want more Marvel and Star Wars focus group fluff. 8 months ago
I’m not sure you can call Furiosa franchise milking.
Apart from sharing a name the 2015 film came out 30 years after the previous film and has little to actually connect them apart from the main characters name and the general theme. If it wasn’t the same director it would be just a love letter to those films instead of a reboot.
Furiosa is a prequel that came out 9 years later.
Making a film and then a follow up 9 years later is FAR from milking a franchise.
Additionally both stories are completely new and not remakes. 8 months ago
So why didn’t they name it something new instead?
Go on come up with an original name for your story about new characters that aren’t a part of an existing franchise.
Oh wait… they revived a 9 year old brand that’s been dead for 30 years prior to milk some more nostalgia from the fans wallets. 8 months ago
What the fuck are you talking about.
The original director revived a 30 year old movie franchise. In doing so completely reset the story.
Call the film “Fury Road” staring “Mad Matt” and you’d be calling it a visionary new story with tasteful callbacks to 80s action films.
Then we get a prequel to the film 9 years later. In what world is that milking? A follow up to a film isn’t milking a franchise. 8 months ago
Resting the existing timeline doesn’t mean it’s a new product or a new story. It’s the same franchise still.
Yes. But it’s not. It’s another sequel. (Prequel is still a continuation of a franchise)
So many shows and movies could have been new standalone stories but have a brand tacked on because of sales and marketing bull.