yeah do watch out for hemlock plants, they look very similar to wild carrots
Comment on Mushroom ID 9 months agoThis is the same reason that you never touch something that looks like a carrot plant in the wild
That’s funny. I was just thinking to myself “Fuck all this mushroom noise. I’ll just stick to eating carrots, no way to mistake those for something else.” I guess I’ll die quickly in the coming apocalypse. 9 months ago 9 months ago
"The confusion with parsnips can be fatal as C. maculata is extremely poisonous. It is considered to be North America's most toxic native plant."
"The chief poison is cicutoxin, an unsaturated aliphatic alcohol that is most concentrated in the roots. Upon human consumption, nausea, vomiting, and tremors occur within 30–60 minutes, followed by severe cramps, projectile vomiting, and convulsions."
It supposedly tastes good though. 9 months ago
This is why we befriend the people who can reliably ID plants and know what is safe to eat, you wouldn’t survive an apocalypse alone regardless. 9 months ago
Mhm, society persists even through collapse scenarios mostly for exactly this reason. John the Butcher in 13th century Scotland might have lost his entire village to The Plague, but those guys in the village 3 miles down the road still have people who know how to forage, or hunt, or grow food, etc etc etc.