Never heard of latex but I can help you with Git.
What you want to know?
Comment on LPT Do it. 8 months ago
What’s a good way to learn about Latex and Git. I’ve tried learning on my own but it’s very overwhelming.
Never heard of latex but I can help you with Git.
What you want to know?
Never heard of latex
Fuck, I’m old.
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{soul \begin{document} I'm 19 and I know how to use \LaTeX, \LaTeX is more used in academia, they taught me latex in Uni, but a lot of other people just won't ever heard of it because is rare to find in other places, most technical degrees and even a lot of uni ones won't use it \st{even if it's vastly superior to word}. \huge \LaTeX rules \end{document}
Same except that I taught myself. Written two essays for uni already with it and knew from the start that I wouldn’t touch word if I didn’t absolutely need it.
Latex is confusing, the errors are often even less clear than Python or Java tracebacks, some packages have weird API or don’t work together, and I had to make a build script to work with it, but besides that, I have a good language and environment now to create pretty good PDFs with, including VCS with git and not having to use an editor that is not neovim.
If you want to look deeper, there are a few more typesetting languages, some with more modern syntax. Markdown is surely the easiest, but not quite as powerful.
I’m 40 if that helps.
I’m in that that as well. I’m my age™ everybody wrote their bachelor and master thesis in LaTeX 🤷
Fuck, I’m old privileged.
Well in this thread people were saying you can set up your own local git repository? What’s a newbie friendly way of doing that. I’ve watched videos and understand that git version control system but I can’t quite seem to grasp more than that.
I will answer this, I am sick right now but will return.
You can just create a local repo with git init
, and then never push to a (non existent) remote repository. Git is decentralized, meaning that you always have a functional and complete repo when you’re working with it.
Depending on your tooling, you probably have a GUI for git if you’re a noob, which can usually “initialize a git repo” for you. I use the cli/lagygit tui, so I can’t help with that.
Thank you, this clears some things up for none the less.
It is a pity that Markdown does not have the possibilities of Latex.
I learned latex by doing my engineering homework in it. I quit using latex because I kept doing my engineering homework in it and it turns out it sucks to do
I’m doing my math homework with latex this semester, I’m probably slower but it looks good and is more maintainable.
The issue I had was if it was big enough to need maintainability it was a group project and that meant Google docs or it was math and that meant scrawled on paper. Or technical writing which is the prof that told us to try latex in the first place but I was too busy that semester to learn it
You can do maths in LaTeX and I have used Overleaf for group projects before. 8 months ago
Overleaf is easy to use and has tutorials for LaTeX