So all pros no cons /s
Comment on yogi knows 9 months ago
Yea a bear would fucking maul her instead lol 9 months ago
Comment on yogi knows 9 months ago
Yea a bear would fucking maul her instead lol
So all pros no cons /s 9 months ago
Not necessarily. Bears only attack humans if they feel threatened or see no alternative. In most cases the bear would prefer to avoid any confrontation with a human. They’re mostly peaceful. 9 months ago
Maybe if it were a black bear, they scare off easily. However a brown bear is not so easily intimidated, grizzly bears would tank a bullet, and polar bears are aggressive hunter’s, panda’s would easily win that fight… I could continue but I think you get my point by now. 9 months ago
A man would not necessairly tell a woman with a doctorate to go to the kitchen either. 9 months ago
Can confirm, bears can definitely adapt to being around humans and be used to their presence. Lived in a tourist town that had a massive amount of black bears and I’ve literally been close enough to pet one after going around a corner, we startled eachother for sure, sat and stared for a second, and then calmly backed away and went our merry way. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a bear attack there, and it’s literally where the story of cocaine bear came from and is filled with incredibly dumb tourists. 9 months ago
Can confirm, Am bear. 9 months ago
“I hear their periods attract bears. They can smell the menstruation!”