Comment on Wish for your greatest desire 9 months ago
better make it one of those Voodoo Rangers with their wine level alcohol percentage. a 6 pack of those will kick my butt for the rest of the day before I even realize it. I’ll be like, “Hmm. This beer is pretty good despite it being fruity.” …5 mins later… “Omg, why am I so drunk? I need to go to bed.” …next morning… “What happened?” 9 months ago
A nearby liquor store has 19.2 oz for $3, and there is usually a buy-2-get-$2-back rebate. At 9.5% alcohol that’s basically six drinks. Get smashed for $4 9 months ago
I am too old to drink liquor that cheap. Hangovers get worse with age. 9 months ago
Physically, I didn’t find this the case, and one of my friends who’s in their 70s still doesn’t get them.
But I started getting… Sad? Like really bummed out. Anyway, I stopped because it wasn’t fun anymore. In retrospect, I probably shouldn’t have started lol. Ah well