any idea how reddit keeps banning my alt accounts ? I am suspecting chrome broswser is complicit.
Comment on What is Reddit doing 9 months ago
Easy fix is to update the url to use “” rather than the base “”.
That sends you to a version of the site without a bunch of the crap. 9 months ago 9 months ago
Many ways to detect this, but let’s start with the basics: Are you using the same Ip address? 9 months ago
Well yes. 9 months ago
Take a break from Reddit, uninstall all apps, clear cookies off all your browsers due, wait a few weeks for your IP address to change, then make a new account. 9 months ago
This doesn’t work anymore. I just refresh it and stop somewhere in the middle and it sometimes works. 9 months ago
Old Reddit works for me. Does it just not work in general for you, or does it not work when not logged into an account? 9 months ago
Well, I think the link structure changed. If I add old to the url, the page doesn’t even work, but the homepage does. 9 months ago
Did you get a browser error when trying this? It might be because you left the www in the URL. I had to remove that and replace it with old, and it works. The rest of the link structure is the same on both old and new reddit. I even tried it from a VPN just to be sure it wasn’t seeing my logged in cookies, and in a private browsing window where RES isn’t allowed to run. Worked fine. 9 months ago
Interesting. I’ll have to test it when I get home. I’m always signed in and I use RES so could be some other factors causing it to not be a problem for me.