That’s like saying “why isn’t my phone number that I set up on my own POTS network usable on the international telephone system?”
If you’re behind NAT, you aren’t technically on the Internet; that’s why you need Network Address Translation in the first place.
IPv6 fixes this by letting every conceivable device have its own address on the Internet, but that comes with its own security and privacy issues, so it’s rarely used. 10 months ago
Have you ever tried roaming with a cellphone…? 10 months ago
Yep, and I can verify my phone number didnt change when roaming, people could still call me. 10 months ago
Usually the phone number changes though. My phone number is 070Xxxx… here in Sweden, but my folks in law need to call 004670xxxx to call me unless they are visiting in which case 070xx works again 10 months ago
You’re right it depends on the definition of phone number, and I edited the original post to try and be more clear that I meant the phone number including the country code and area code.
If you’re talking about something other than country/area code though, then that’s news to me. 10 months ago
Your roaming is the extra configuration you speak of, and is usually an extra fee……