Comment on [deleted] 9 months agoReally? Do you have pictures of the non-official report form they give you, after taking the exam?
Comment on [deleted] 9 months agoReally? Do you have pictures of the non-official report form they give you, after taking the exam? 9 months ago
I took my ASVAB in 2009, so unless it’s in my SRB somewhere, you’ll have to take my word for it.
I did upload a picture of my garbage though, that should be proof enough. 9 months ago
We have the same trash bins! That makes us bin buddies! 9 months ago
Do you have recycle and trash? It’s the way to go. I bag the trash but I dump the recycling into the large can outside and then reuse that dirty bag for garbage. I’m essentially saving the world.
Nice to know there are others out there! Great bins, unlike poor OP. 9 months ago
That’s exactly how I do it! Recycling in the back, trash in the front, rotate them out when the trash is full. As an added bonus, we have a compost bin. 9 months ago
You shouldn’t have to overpay for bags that are too large for the garbage can, just to avoid having the bags slip. 9 months ago
I will commiserate with you. I think the shape of that can is ultimately your issue. In fact, I know it is, I’ve seen that can and anytime I’ve seen it, the bag looks like yours. So you’re not alone.
As an aside, if you intend on joining the military, especially if you enlist, nobody cares about your ASVAB score, and if you wield it like a weapon, others will use it against you. I knew ASVAB waivers who had quick wit. I served with dudes who paraded around their conventional intelligence and had a tough time making friends, and only when they dropped the whole smart guy act did they fit in better.
Your post tickled my funny bone tonight. I wish you well and I hope you can “adapt and overcome” as it relates to this issue.