They mentioned one potential use that I thought has value and that I hadn’t considered. For video conferencing, this could transmit data without sending video and greatly reduce the amount of bandwidth needed by rendering people’s faces locally. I don’t think that outweighs the massive harms this technology will unleash. But at least there was some use that would be legit and beneficial.
I’m someone who has a moral compass and I don’t like that scammers will abuse this shit so I hate it. But there’s no keeping it locked away. It’s here to stay. I hate the future / now. 10 months ago
They worded the headline that way to scare you into that reaction. They’re only interested in telling you about the negative uses because that drives engagement. 10 months ago
I understand some of you AI evangelist types look down on us Luddites who dare to ask questions, but you seriously can’t see any potential issue with this technology without some sort of restrictions in place? 10 months ago
This is unnecessarily aggressive, I don’t need this today. 10 months ago
And your comment was unnecessarily patronizing. Do you think they needed that today? 10 months ago
That was one of the tamest comments I’ve seen on the internet. There wasn’t even remarks about your mom. 10 months ago
None of those concerns are new in principle: AI is the current thing that makes people worry about corporate and government BS but corporate and government BS isn’t new.
Then: The cat is out of the bag, you won’t be able to put it in again. If those things worry you the strategic move isn’t to hope that suddenly, out of pretty much nowhere, capitalism and authoritarianism will fall never to be seen again, but to a) try our best to get sensible regulations in place, the EU has done a good job IMO, and b) own the tech. As in: Develop and use tech and models that can be self-hosted, that enable people to have control over AI, instead of being beholden to what corporate or government actors deem we should be using. It’s FLOSS all over again.
Or, to be an edgelord to some of the artists out there: If you don’t want your creative process to end up being dependent on Adobe’s AI stuff then help training models that aren’t owned by big CGI. 10 months ago
I have used AI tools as a shooter/editor for years. 10 months ago
Honestly that’s a good rule of thumb for all headlines at this point. 10 months ago
Good point good point