All form is interpretation.
So is interpretation just physics? Like, mass and inertia?
Comment on Ascended to Spanish 10 months ago
philosophy isn’t real, your life is a lie, everything you’ve ever known and loved is a social construct made up at some point to appease the human brains insatiable desire for structure.
And yet, philosophers still exist for some reason. Curious.
All form is interpretation.
So is interpretation just physics? Like, mass and inertia?
interpretation would be a linguistic concept. Specifically regarding the structuring of sentences in a language. Unless we’re referring to the physical act of conceptualizing a real concept, which then again, falls back onto linguistic roots.
Math, physics, and science, would all be a fundamental existence of the universe, our construct of that system in the universe is merely our common interpretation of how to conceptualize and explain that thing.
You place one stick on the ground, you have one stick on the ground, you place two sticks on the ground, and you have two sticks on the ground. This sentence is merely a conceptualized representation of the concept that things are static, and can be conjoined into bodies.
It nature this can be seen at the atomic level, or on a beach of sand for instance. Though the atomic model we have, is yet another interpretation of something. 10 months ago
I too hear the call of the void, brother. 10 months ago
the call of the void is the philosophers bedding. 10 months ago
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