- Comment on Ascended to Spanish 10 months ago:
All form is interpretation.
So is interpretation just physics? Like, mass and inertia?
- Comment on Ascended to Spanish 10 months ago:
The entire universe is beige
(Says a man facing a beige wall)
- Comment on research 10 months ago:
My cynicism is so automatic that I could never say what you just said and keep a straight face.
- Comment on research 10 months ago:
To underline the point : research does not imply publishing. Did I get that right?
- Comment on research 10 months ago:
I researched the spelling of “research” for this reply.
- Comment on banaynay 10 months ago:
500 kinds of mangos. 2000 kinds of apples…
- Comment on Anon learns about nuts 10 months ago:
Spitting out yr gum in astonishment five times a day is not rational.
But ya, wtf.
- Comment on And so he spake unto them 11 months ago:
A billion years ago we figured out acquisition. Grab all the stuff.
A million years ago we figured out language.
Now we use language for acquisition. If we do that efficiently enough we can convert language to acquisition 100%. Which deletes all value from the language for us. But what a great business!
- Comment on Do our moderators have the integrity of overcooked pasta or is it more like jello? 11 months ago:
No he didn’t…
This is exhausting.
Who’s dumber, the dummy or the guy who tries to engage the dummy in conversation, in a house run by cubizoids?
- Comment on Do our moderators have the integrity of overcooked pasta or is it more like jello? 11 months ago:
thought were revolutionary
Ah, lead with an insult. What a good moderator.
Your excuse for removing my post seems bogus to me.
If you think otherwise then DISCUSS it. That’s what we do here.
- Submitted 11 months ago to [deleted] | 18 comments
- Comment on In movies a strong woman is manly. (big muscles, aggressive, punches people, etc.) Is that really the way it is? 11 months ago:
Yes yes.
On a tangential note, I just had a post removed from nostupidquestions. My post about the degradation of knowledge.
Apparently lemmy mods have recently been given the power of shadow-removal (the power to temove while keeping you in the dark about the fact), which is nice.
When everybody you talk to is dumb as a rock. When the people in charge have the integrity of jello. What then? Is it worthwhile sifting cesspools for specks of intelligent conversation then?
- Comment on Complete this sentence 11 months ago:
Meditate more
- Comment on 1000 years from now physics is forgotten and all that remains is the legend of two hobbits, Charm and Spin, and their quest for the Higgyboson. At this point, is physics true? 11 months ago:
It’s a conversation, not a fight.
- Comment on 1000 years from now physics is forgotten and all that remains is the legend of two hobbits, Charm and Spin, and their quest for the Higgyboson. At this point, is physics true? 11 months ago:
We think and talk about what we observe in terms of rules because rules are a convenient way to think and talk about it. That is the long and short of it.
- Comment on 1000 years from now physics is forgotten and all that remains is the legend of two hobbits, Charm and Spin, and their quest for the Higgyboson. At this point, is physics true? 11 months ago:
Maybe you just don’t understand.
- Comment on 1000 years from now physics is forgotten and all that remains is the legend of two hobbits, Charm and Spin, and their quest for the Higgyboson. At this point, is physics true? 11 months ago:
I’m pointing out a degradation of knowledge and exploring the point at which it is considered false.
For example : a man examines a phenomenon, performs a complex experiment relating to it. Comes up with a nice model. Communicates the model to you. You understand the model but your understanding of the actual phenomenon, maybe less so. So when you discuss the phenomenon withh your friends, refer to the model, there’s a bit of bs there.
And another example : A blind man is told that the sky is blue. But his understanding of that is not like the understanding of one who actually observed the blue of the sky, obviously.
Call it what, an unavoidable corruption?
- Comment on 1000 years from now physics is forgotten and all that remains is the legend of two hobbits, Charm and Spin, and their quest for the Higgyboson. At this point, is physics true? 11 months ago:
Well it’s a relative thing of course.
- Comment on 1000 years from now physics is forgotten and all that remains is the legend of two hobbits, Charm and Spin, and their quest for the Higgyboson. At this point, is physics true? 11 months ago:
Hmm. I think of “physics” as a collection of models. What do you think of it as?
- Comment on 1000 years from now physics is forgotten and all that remains is the legend of two hobbits, Charm and Spin, and their quest for the Higgyboson. At this point, is physics true? 11 months ago:
It would depend on my relationship with the body of knowledge I suppose. Are we married or just good friends.
- Comment on 1000 years from now physics is forgotten and all that remains is the legend of two hobbits, Charm and Spin, and their quest for the Higgyboson. At this point, is physics true? 11 months ago:
But there’s no such thing as hobbits.
- Comment on 1000 years from now physics is forgotten and all that remains is the legend of two hobbits, Charm and Spin, and their quest for the Higgyboson. At this point, is physics true? 11 months ago:
No, haven’t. Thanks. Also consider “A Canticle for Leibowitz”.
My point is that, over time, knowledge gets corrupted. Especially esoteric knowledge. And it might not even take much time.
So you gotta wonder what myths we’ve got now that started as sincere attempts at a model.
And even today. When a guy who made the observation and crafted the model tells you the model, your understanding and his are probably not the same.
So there’s that corruption to consider.
- Submitted 11 months ago to [deleted] | 27 comments
- Comment on In movies a strong woman is manly. (big muscles, aggressive, punches people, etc.) Is that really the way it is? 11 months ago:
Your bar on what constitutes stupid might be … stupid.
- Comment on In movies a strong woman is manly. (big muscles, aggressive, punches people, etc.) Is that really the way it is? 11 months ago:
It’s like they took arnold schwartzenegger’s jaw and transplanted it onto a supermodel/kickboxer.
- Comment on In movies a strong woman is manly. (big muscles, aggressive, punches people, etc.) Is that really the way it is? 11 months ago:
Ah, nature vs nurture. I’m with nature here.
- Comment on What characterizes feminine strength? 11 months ago:
I’d call awareness of that is a feminine strength.
I think that the masculine strengths are focused on by modern culture and the feminine ignored. The gross becomes everything and the subtle disappears from view.
Maybe marketing culture is to blame. It cultivates a few easy triggers and suppresses everything else.
- Comment on In movies a strong woman is manly. (big muscles, aggressive, punches people, etc.) Is that really the way it is? 11 months ago:
So… sensitivity, perception and finesse?
- Comment on What characterizes feminine strength? 11 months ago:
Nice. Thanks.
- Comment on In movies a strong woman is manly. (big muscles, aggressive, punches people, etc.) Is that really the way it is? 11 months ago:
Talking and listening. “Sensitivity”. “Receptivity”. Those could be called feminine strengths.