Comment on Corvids 7 months ago
Don’t forget magpies!
My wife when we first moved to Wyoming: “What a pretty and dainty bird. What is it?”
Me: That’s a Magpie.
Magpie: *bathes in blood as it feasts on the flesh of a dead elk*
My wife: Image
Magpies are the bird equivalent of that person everyone thinks is hot as long as they don’t say anything
Fuck, maybe that’s why my wife calls me a magpie, but also tells me to shut up sometimes. (I like shiny things)
You picked a Hitchcock frame as a meme and didn’t go for one from Birds. Shame!
I went Birds first but didn’t find one that really fit, hence Psycho. 7 months ago
My wife when we first moved to Wyoming: “What a pretty and dainty bird. What is it?”
Me: That’s a Magpie.
Magpie: *bathes in blood as it feasts on the flesh of a dead elk*
My wife: Image 7 months ago
Magpies are the bird equivalent of that person everyone thinks is hot as long as they don’t say anything 7 months ago
Fuck, maybe that’s why my wife calls me a magpie, but also tells me to shut up sometimes. (I like shiny things) 7 months ago
You picked a Hitchcock frame as a meme and didn’t go for one from Birds. Shame! 7 months ago
I went Birds first but didn’t find one that really fit, hence Psycho.